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Scanning Realities with NavVis - The Podcast

Listen to expert insights on a variety of hot topics, including dynamic reality capture, the future of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and digital twins, the digitization of the construction and energy industries, and more.

Combining real-world experience and expert insight, the Scanning Realities podcast provides laser-focused insight into the current geospatial landscape and beyond, exploring industry challenges, market changes and future trends, and the impact of new technologies in adjacent fields. Scanning Realities gives voice to renowned guests to reveal their vision of the fascinating world of reality capture technology.

The opinions expressed on Scanning Realities are those of our expert guest speakers, and NavVis seeks to facilitate a spontaneous and open dialogue.

Subscribe and listen on Spotify, Google Podcasts, or Apple Podcasts.


What is reality capture? How do the capture and documentation of reality relate to Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the idea of a single source of truth? And to next-generation technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Where will we be in another ten years?

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How does the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry adapt to the scaling pressure on people, tools and methods? Can accurate and reliable data avoid costly and time-consuming rebuilding? What happens when we introduce revolutionary capture and modeling technology into verification?

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How can reality capture unlock new workflows in the energy industry? What are the benefits from a safety and cost perspective? In this two-part episode, we take a closer look.

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How can data power collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders? And how can a new innovation-focused mindset drive further change? In this two-part episode, we take a closer look.

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Where is the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations (AEC/O) industry headed, and how will technology transform the daily work of AEC, BIM and VDC professionals? How does reality capture contribute and fit within existing construction management processes?

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How does reality capture transform workflows across factory planning, shop floor operations, and more, to build the "industrial metaverse" and unlock digitalization for enterprises?

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How does reality capture practice allow you to cut down on mistakes and minimize return visits to ever-so-complex project sites? How will the AEC industry accelerate the process of digital twin creation? 

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In the ever-evolving landscape of surveying and reality capture, seizing growth opportunities while addressing challenges is essential for success.

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About our guests

Episode 01 - Capturing reality

Lennart Andersson - Professor of Architecture at Pratt University in Brooklyn

Phil Bernstein - Associate Dean and Senior Lecturer at the Yale School of Architecture and former Vice President at Autodesk

Episode 02 - Overcoming the "BIMPOSSIBLE"

Stuart Maggs - CEO and Co-Founder at

Dr Andreas Wagner - Managing Director at Angermeier Ingenieure

Episode 03 - Powering progress

Glen Kearns - Global Data Collection Expert and Business Development Manager at Intertek

David Murray - Structural Engineer and Project Manager at Technip Energies

Episode 04 - Modernizing construction

Tomislav Žigo - CTO at Clayco

Mani Golparvar - CSO and Co-Founder of Reconstruct and Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Episode 05 - Unlocking a new era of digitalization with NVIDIA

Mike Geyer - Head of Digital Twins at NVIDIA

Ignacio Pérez Hallerbach - Global Head of Partners & Platform at NavVis, Cambridge Digital Innovation Fellow at the University of Cambridge, and Expert Partner for Digital Twins & AI at Picus Capital

Episode 06 - Building smarter

Sam Dougherty - Vice President and Digital Market Sector Lead of Digital Practice and Technology at AECOM

Bonus Episode - Elevating businesses

Dr. Felix Reinshagen - CEO and Co-founder at NavVis

Dr. Georg Schroth - CTO and Co-founder at NavVis

About our host

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Michael Dutch is a team lead at NavVis, specializing in cultivating impactful reseller partnerships within the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC), and survey technology sectors. With a passion for next-generation innovations, he is committed to advancing reality capture and digital twin solutions.

Driven by a genuine curiosity for the latest breakthroughs in the AEC industry, Michael is on a mission to show just how transformative technology can be. He’s passionate about helping teams work smarter, making projects run smoother, and seeing firsthand how innovation can make a real difference in people’s day-to-day workflows.

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Verification: Driving efficiency, accuracy, and transparency in a complex world

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Improving collaboration, driving efficiencies, and addressing digital challenges in the energy industry

How can reality capture unlock new workflows in the energy industry? What are the benefits from a safety and cost perspective? How can data power collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders? And how can a new innovation-focused mindset drive further change?

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Unveiling the reality capture blueprint in AEC

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