Environment: Road junction - Vejle, Denmark
Download a sample of NavVis VLX 3 point cloud data in .e57 format and the results of the topographic survey in .dxf and .dwg formats.
About the project
NavVis customer Geopartner Landinspektører A/S is a professional consulting land surveyor company and is among the country's largest in its field. The NavVis team recently visited Geopartner in Vejle, Denmark where NavVis VLX 3 was used to scan a road junction. The data was processed with NavVis IVION Processing and subsequently used to generate a topographic road survey in third-party software.
With the launch of NavVis VLX 3 comes a whole new world of application possibilities, including scanning for topographic or detail surveys. Thanks to improved SLAM robustness and higher detail at range, more precise and comprehensive outdoor capture is possible. Surveyors can scan complex sites quickly and in great detail without losing any of the benefits of standard static scanning. And the best part - the cost savings from only having to visit the site once.
Site details:
- Size: 6,113 sqm
- Scanning time: 36 minutes
- Topographic as-built road survey
NavVis optimizes your topographic surveying workflows.
From data capture to delivery, the NavVis Technology seamlessly integrates with 3rd party hardware & software resulting in a hybrid solution that’s fast, accurate and delivers quality results. Check out the example below for more.

Download the sample data
Fill out the short form below and you'll get the data directly to your inbox:
- Point cloud data in .e57
- CAD file in .dwg and .dxf