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Transforming energy management at Ostfalia University with NavVis tech
Paul HänchenSep 5, 20244 min read

Transforming energy management at Ostfalia University with NavVis tech

Learn how the Institute of Production Engineering at Ostfalia University enhanced their energy management with NavVis tech through enhanced 3D data visualization that helps optimize energy usage.

In today's fast-paced world, efficiency is key. For many institutions, managing energy consumption is a critical aspect of their operations. Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences' Institute of Production Engineering recently experienced a dramatic transformation in their energy management processes in their in-house production labs, thanks to the integration of NavVis technology. We sat down with Dipl.-Ing. Egbert Homeister, a representative from the university, to discuss their journey and the benefits they have gained from this innovative solution.


The initial hurdle

"Previously, it took me 8 years with a few hundred students to get an idea of what the whole thing looks like," Egbert shared. "But with NavVis technology, our institute was scanned in just 26 minutes." From the initial scan with NavVis VLX, to data processing and visualization in NavVis IVION, this staggering difference underscores the potential this solution holds for streamlining processes and gaining insights that were once slow to obtain.

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A Point of Interest in NavVis IVION displaying the power and consumption of an entire building


Why NavVis IVION for energy management?

The decision to implement NavVis IVION stemmed from the comprehensive nature of the university's operations. "NavVis IVION is a simple and effective way to visualize data from our existing energy management system, bringing it close to the objects and providing everyone access to this information," Egbert explained. "We have almost the entire process chain on site, from materials and warehouse management to various manufacturing processes like milling, turning, and bending."

This complex setup created an ideal environment for testing and implementing a robust energy management system. With NavVis IVION, the institute found a way to not only visualize their machinery in 3D but also extract critical information from it. "For us in production technology, this information is crucial and often difficult to obtain," he noted.

Traditionally, obtaining energy consumption data involved asking production employees to prepare reports—a time-consuming task outside their primary responsibilities. NavVis IVION changes this dynamic, offering a digital, self-service approach that tailors information to specific needs.

Explore the live NavVis IVION instance of Ostfalia University’s Institute of Production Engineering lab here →


The power of visualization

Effective visualization is a cornerstone of successful energy management. "It's important to get people on board," our interviewee emphasized. "Clear and simple visualization is key." While traditional energy management dashboards can be overwhelming, NavVis IVION offers a more intuitive solution. The top-down 2D and 3D views provided by NavVis IVION allows users to see energy consumption at a glance, from broad areas down to individual machines. Points of interest are used to advance visualization and documentation by displaying real-time information about the energy consumption or performance of certain machines.

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A Point of Interest in NavVis IVION displaying the live energy data of a compressed air stand cutting machine.

"In reality, nobody looks at Excel tables with 150 lines and missing labels," Egbert observed. NavVis IVION's ability to present data in an easily accessible and understandable format makes it a valuable tool for everyone, from workshop employees to university management.


Real-world applications

The institute’s experience with NavVis IVION provided concrete examples of its efficacy. "We don't measure energy consumption just for the sake of measuring. We measure to gain knowledge and eliminate errors," he stated. One example involved identifying unexpected energy usage on Sundays. By visualizing the data, they discovered that a system in the server room and an air conditioning unit in the clean room were consuming excessive energy.

NavVis IVION not only helped highlight that too much energy was being consumed but also located exactly where there was overconsumption and allowed them to derive measures to combat it. This capacity for pinpointing and helping rectify inefficiencies is invaluable, especially when it comes to benchmarking energy consumption against industry standards.


Future potential

The benefits of using NavVis IVION extend beyond immediate energy management. "My goal is to create transparency through visualization," Egbert explained. NavVis IVION provides quick access to relevant data, allowing for real-time awareness and decision-making. This transparency is vital for fostering an energy-conscious culture within the university.

Furthermore, NavVis IVION holds significant promise for energy consultancy. The ability to conduct virtual assessments and share data with external service providers enhances efficiency and reduces the need for physical presence. "NavVis IVION enables virtual energy consulting, resulting in much more efficient work and documentation," he highlighted. This not only saves resources but also aligns with the broader goal of sustainability.

The integration of NavVis IVION has revolutionized energy management at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences' Institute of Production Engineering, transforming a once difficult process into a streamlined, efficient operation. By leveraging the power of visualization and digital accessibility, it has empowered the university to make informed decisions, eliminate inefficiencies, and foster a culture of energy awareness. As they continue to explore new possibilities, NavVis IVION stands as a testament to the potential of innovative technology in driving meaningful change.

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