What’s changed since NavVis VLX was launched? The system software.
NavVis VLX launched in 2020, and since then, a lot has changed. Find out some of the major improvements we've made to our flagship laser scanning device!
''Inspiration for a Smarter World'' - Intergeo 2022 in Review
Intergeo 2022 was a major hit. Find out all the exciting things that went on at the NavVis booth!
Software & the laser scanning industry: An interview with NavVis's CTO
NavVis CTO Georg Schroth on the ''software eats hardware'' revolution in the laser scanning & AEC industries and what's up next for NavVis.
Interested in mobile mapping but don’t know where to start?
71% of survey professionals agree that mobile mapping is essential to gaining a competitive edge. Find out the answers to some of the most common ...
Can you measure floor flatness with NavVis VLX? We didn’t think so.
Voorheis & Voorheis surveyors push the limits of NavVis' mobile mapping system ...and come away very impressed.
What does it take to become a mobile mapper?
Mobile mapping is becoming a standard part of many laser scanning professionals' toolkit. Find out how to become one in this week's blog post.
Surveying an extension to Munich Airport during construction
As part of a terminal extension of Munich Airport, NavVis VLX was used to scan the area, and an as-built model was created for accurate site documentation.
Collaboration – what is holding the AEC industry back?
Things are changing in the AEC industry. Find out what the AEC industry is and how a lack of AEC collaboration is having a seismic effect.
3 ways you can 3D laser scan like the pros
Find out how industry experts Matthew Byrd and Luke Stevenson leverage laser scanning, implement hybrid workflows, and more.
The evolution of surveying: What does the future hold for the modern surveyor?
Demand for spatial data has exploded, with many governments and corporations recognizing its power. Let's dive into how it affects the modern-day surveyor.
9 terms on a lidar scanner datasheet that you need to know
Specification sheets are complicated. Let's clear up any confusion by going through nine common terms every laser scanning professional should know.
5 steps for surveyors to optimize your time onsite
As a surveyor, being prepared is critical before heading on site. Read on for some of our top tips on optimizing that time.