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samantha pride month
Kourtney KirtonJun 8, 20223 min read

NavVis Proud: Samantha A. on three steps to becoming a better ally

In this special Pride Month blog series, we aim to educate, break down prejudices, and share our platform so that we all can be Less Me, More We.

NavVis is built upon inclusive, diverse foundations. We believe that every living creature is worthy of respect. Therefore, it's important for us to give a voice to our team and live up to our values.

As a company that appreciates all individuals, we also acknowledge that we do not have all the answers. This month is an occasion to raise awareness, spread positivity, and share our platform with people from all kinds of backgrounds. Having said that, it was a priority for us to create a space where people could share their insights.

Without further ado, today's resource is shared by Samantha Aleman. She's a Working Student and came all the way from Colombia to Germany for a better professional future. As a Marketing student, she was interested in NavVis and its approach to the AEC business. She's currently working on building her skills in corporate communication and social media. Helping others is one of the things that makes her happy and she’s aware that it is necessary to go the extra mile and speak up to make this world a better place.

Here is what she wanted to share with everyone: 3 steps to becoming a better LGBTQ+ ally

Why did you choose to share this?

Growing up in a country where this topic is not common enough, I decided to raise awareness and contribute to fixing the problem. Individuals identified as part of this group have experienced well-known persecution and discrimination for being who they are. For these reasons, and more, it’s important to show that tolerance can be learned and together we can build an environment of kindness and openness to knowledge.

How can you be a more tolerant and better ally? Here are 3 basic steps which can help you begin this journey:

  1. Learn the LGBTQ+ terminology. Who is in this community? Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transexual, Queer, Pansexual, Asexual, and more. Always be a good listener, there are people that identify outside of the term and would like you to treat them in a specific way.
  2. Use LGBTQ+ appropriate language. Say “They” not “It.” Say “Gay” instead of “Homosexual.” Say “Everyone, folks, honored guests” etc... not “Ladies and Gentlemen.” Moving away from binary language is more inclusive for people of all genders. It might be hard at first, but practice makes perfect! Watch this video for more examples.
  3. LGBTQ+ individuals experience discrimination in all kinds of situations, and the workplace is no different. A way to combat this is to act when you see or hear any kind of discrimination or harassment happening. At NavVis, these actions are not tolerated, and it is essential to speak up for your peers.

What's one thing someone should take away from this source?

A basic tip to take from this resource is that the world is a colorful place. Even if you don’t understand it fully, there are a lot of people struggling with who they are, and making it easier for them to simply exist in society is our responsibility. There is a spectrum outside Straight & Gay concepts, and all should be equally respected.

Where can someone go to learn more?

It is extremely important that individuals outside of the LGBTQ+ community understand that this is just a starting point! Keeping an open line of communication is key here, as we can all benefit from seeing the world through other people's eyes.

Here are some reliable organizational websites that can further your knowledge on being a good ally:

Wrapping up

As we go through the different testimonies, stories, and shared knowledge of our advocates, we realize that there is so much more information that should be shouted out to the world. As a company, we will continue to give a voice to those who can teach us in our next posts. We are in an era of change, so stay tuned to change with us!
