NavVis is part of the World Economic Forum’s Global Innovators community, applying our expertise in spatial intelligence and digital transformation for factories to drive innovation in this exciting field.
In a very short time, NavVis has grown into a champion for spatial intelligence and digital transformation in factories. We provide enterprises with a powerful way to build and operate custom digital twin solutions of entire manufacturing facilities, to optimize their planning and operations workflow.
As part of our ongoing effort to bring technological innovation to the manufacturing and production industry through the NavVis Digital Factory solution, we’re now a part of the World Economic Forum’s Global Innovators community.
According to Francisco Betti, Head of Advanced Manufacturing and Production, World Economic Forum: "NavVis is a global thought leader in the space of spatial intelligence and Digital Factory solutions, and brings a unique approach to capturing the missing piece of today's factories – their spatial context."
"We look forward to working with NavVis on a number of initiatives," Betti continues, "especially on giving our Global Lighthouse Network an immersive way of exploring and sharing the best practices implemented in factories across the world."
NavVis will be focusing our efforts on the 'Platform for Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Production' and, more specifically, on two initiatives: the 'Global Lighthouse Network' and 'Unlocking Value in Manufacturing through Data Sharing'
What is the World Economic Forum’s Global Innovators community?
Established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. It's independent, impartial, and not tied to any special interests.
The Global Innovators Community is a group of the world’s most promising start-ups and scale-ups that are at the forefront of technological and business model innovation. The World Economic Forum provides the Global Innovators Community with a platform to engage with public- and private-sector leaders and to contribute new solutions to overcome current crises and build future resiliency.
"Working with the World Economic Forum as a Global Innovator is a great way for us to share and discuss our insights on the digital transformation of factories and digital twins in particular with the best experts in the field as well as a broader audience," says Felix Reinshagen, CEO and Co-Founder, NavVis.
"In a world where the COVID-19 pandemic brings about ever changing travel restrictions and new safety measures, we help Enterprises make sound decisions about their global portfolio of factories, even if they are thousands of kilometers away."
Companies who are invited to become Global Innovators will engage with one or more of the Forum’s Platforms, as relevant, to help define the global agenda on key issues. You can find more information here.
What is the NavVis Digital Factory solution?
Imagine for a moment; instant transportation to the shop floor of any production site around the world, from wherever you are and whenever you like. The NavVis Digital Factory solution makes this a reality.
As a single solution suitable for universal application, a NavVis Digital Factory offers significant benefits for your entire organization, ranging from global operations and planning to the local factory shop floor.
Your global team will enjoy unified operations, an uptick in best practice sharing, and a reduction in the need for extensive travel (contributing to a smaller carbon footprint and cost savings). Meanwhile, local teams can apply the solution to repair and maintenance processes, and as a spatial/visual master interface for a wide range of software applications.
One of the key benefits of the NavVis Digital Factory solution is that we work together with our customers to build a custom solution, and then our dedicated enterprise team will deliver and implement our enterprise-ready technology.
The entire process can be summed up in three steps. First, we determine how digital twin technology can best serve your team – globally and locally – during the consultation phase.
Next is data capture: we leverage our global network of certified mapping partners to scan your factories, wherever the location.
Finally, there is implementation, where we take care of set-up and customization.
The net result is a secure, cloud-hosted virtual site of all your factories that can be accessed using a web link on any standard web browser.
How NavVis contributes to the World Economic Forum's Advanced Manufacturing and Production platform
From extensive customer engagements with large Enterprises in the manufacturing industry like Volkswagen Group and Siemens to several years of research, our team has accumulated deep insights into how spatial intelligence and precise, interactive 3D models of hundreds of factories at your fingertips can have a tremendous impact on planning and operations processes.
Today, we're excited to take these insights and our technology to the World Economic Forum and support the 'Platform for Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Production'.
This platform enables solutions to the greatest challenges facing multiple industries, accelerating the growth of advanced manufacturing while helping stakeholders fulfill their social responsibility. You can find more information here.
As mentioned previously, our efforts will focus on two initiatives: the 'Global Lighthouse Network' and 'Unlocking Value in Manufacturing through Data Sharing'.
We're confident that our insights and technology will help tackle some of the daunting challenges that these initiatives address. For example, helping members of the Global Lighthouse Network make parts of their advanced factories available to select others – in a secure and interactive manner – to ensure fast and effective sharing of best practices.
Want to learn more? Scan the QR code below for an augmented reality tour of advanced manufacturing and production featuring NavVis VLX, hosted on the World Economic Forum Strategic Intelligence Immersive Experiences portal.
Ignacio Pérez Hallerbach is a VP and Global Head of Partners & Platform at NavVis. He is globally responsible for strategic partnerships as well as the partner and platform ecosystem.
Image attribution: World Economic Forum