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Sean Higgins

Sean Higgins is an independent technology writer, former trade publication editor, and outdoors enthusiast. He believes that clear, buzzword-free writing about 3D technologies is a public service.

Blog Post by Sean Higgins

Sean Higgins6 min read

Data Anonymization: An essential step in your reality capture process

What’s data anonymization? Why it’s important? Integrated blurring - why it could be a perfect solution for LSPs and enterprises.
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Sean Higgins12 min read

Everything you need to know about 3D mobile mapping

We'll start at the very beginning to provide you with a full understanding of 3D mobile mapping systems, mobile lidar mapping and more.
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Sean Higgins5 min read

Five ways NavVis IVION takes your AEC mobile mapping to the next level

It's not all about the hardware!
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Sean Higgins4 min read

The rise of mobile mapping in AEC

Leading AEC companies like Skanska and Ramboll Denmark have started to rely on mobile mapping for their most demanding projects.
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Sean Higgins8 min read

Software & the laser scanning industry: An interview with NavVis's CTO

NavVis CTO Georg Schroth on the ''software eats hardware'' revolution in the laser scanning & AEC industries and what's up next for NavVis.
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Sean Higgins4 min read

3 ways you can 3D laser scan like the pros

Find out how industry experts Matthew Byrd and Luke Stevenson leverage laser scanning, implement hybrid workflows, and more.
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Sean Higgins7 min read

9 terms on a lidar scanner datasheet that you need to know

Specification sheets are complicated. Let's clear up any confusion by going through nine common terms every laser scanning professional should know.
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Sean Higgins5 min read

LiDAR vs lidar and other questions you were afraid to ask

Let's settle it: is it LiDAR or lidar? Find out as Sean Higgins answers some of the most common questions about this technology.
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Sean Higgins4 min read

A deep dive into NavVis’s APIs - what can I do with them?

Ever wanted to customize NavVis IVION to meet your needs?
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Sean Higgins4 min read

Does mobile mapping belong in surveying? These surveyors think so

Two professional surveyors share three secret benefits of mobile mapping systems.
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Sean Higgins5 min read

Is lidar or photogrammetry better for building capture?

A great debate! Find out which is better, including a pros and cons of photogrammetry building scanners vs lidar building scanners.
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Sean Higgins5 min read

What is lidar? How does it work?

Lidar is a mainstream term, but do you know about how a lidar sensor works, or what the lidar acroynym stands for? You'll find out here.
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