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Bulent Yusuf

Bulent is the Content Marketing Manager at NavVis. He loves technology, writing, and above all speaking about himself in the third person.

Blog Post by Bulent Yusuf

Bulent Yusuf4 min read

Digital factory use case: Defect reporting with NavVis IVION Go

Equipment maintenance and facilities management is a key task in the modern factory; using NavVis IVION Go, employees can make it more efficient than ever.
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Bulent Yusuf4 min read

How fast can you possibly scan with NavVis VLX?

The same question keeps coming up. How fast can you possibly scan with NavVis VLX? Here's the answer: 600 square meters in 6 minutes within 6 mm accuracy.
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Bulent Yusuf4 min read

Using NavVis VLX on a construction site for as-built documentation

Deploying NavVis VLX at a construction site in Stuttgart, Germany, every AEC pro on the project is delighted by its versatility, robustness and accuracy.
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Bulent Yusuf5 min read

6 high-value use cases for NavVis technology in the digital factory

6 examples of how the NavVis Digital Factory Solution enhances a global manufacturing network, supporting pros in supply chain, engineering & ...
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Bulent Yusuf3 min read

Reality capture use case: Design and construction verification

The NavVis Reality Capture Solution enables AEC pros to compare point clouds and BIM models in third-party software for design & construction ...
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Bulent Yusuf3 min read

Digital factory use case: Visual interfaces with NavVis IVION Enterprise

Rolled out across multiple sites globally, a visual interface powered by NavVis IVION Enterprise makes a substantial contribution to operating margins.
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Bulent Yusuf4 min read

Digital factory use case: 5S and Gemba Walks with NavVis IVION Go

Visits to the place where value is created is known as a Gemba Walk. Find out how NavVis IVION Go upgrades this important practice for the digital factory.
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Bulent Yusuf4 min read

NavVis qualifies for TISAX label in information security

Conforming to the most rigorous standards of information security, NavVis now has a TISAX label as a trusted service provider to the automotive industry.
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Bulent Yusuf7 min read

How reality capture helps factory planning in the automotive industry

NavVis Chief Revenue Officer Finn Boysen explains why factory planning based on up-to-date information is a priority for OEMs in the automotive industry.
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Bulent Yusuf2 min read

Enterprises to prioritize updated factory documentation within 2 years

The NavVis Digital Factory Survey finds that 62% of enterprises would like to have up-to-date documentation within two years as a matter of urgency.
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Bulent Yusuf3 min read

Hemminger Engineering and the future of work with Fraunhofer Institute

FutureWork360 leads to better scientific communications; a project completed by Hemminger Engineering for the Fraunhofer Institute, powered by NavVis tech.
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Bulent Yusuf2 min read

Powered by SLAM, robotic mapping is the next step in mobile mapping

NavVis sees a bright future for robotic mapping, actively exploring proof of concept models both independently and in collaboration with our partners.
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