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Viktoria LangleyJul 24, 20182 min read

This software integration gives factory planners the best of 3D tech

One of the key benefits of planning and designing a structure using 3D models is the cost reduction and efficiency gains. Planning and visualizing a project in the virtual realm means that errors and clashes are easily spotted and changed before resulting in costly damages and delays. These substantial benefits have driven the surge in popularity of building information modeling (BIM) in recent years.

While BIM models are primarily being used in construction projects, other industries have started to catch on to the benefits of using 3D technology. As we have previously posted on this blog, a leading German automotive company pioneered the use of the NavVis IndoorViewer for manufacturing.

3D models for manufacturing are now being taken to the next level. NavVis has teamed up with IPO.Log, a leading assembly and logistics software planning tool, to give factory planners a software integration that will give them access to a combination of the most innovative 3D technology. This is done by combining IPO.Log’s 3D models and NavVis reality capture technology.

Two technologies changing the manufacturing industry

The NavVis IndoorViewer is already being used in the manufacturing industry to increase transparency by providing Google Street View-style access to the shop floor, with added functionality, such as being able to take measurements virtually.

Using the NavVis M6 Indoor Mobile Mapping System means that factories can be scanned on regular basis to make sure that building documentation stays up-to-date. Having access to this highly detailed information about factories on any device has brought a number of benefits, including significant time and cost savings that result from reduced international travel to overseas facilities, benchmarking production lines and remotely sharing best practices.

IPO.Log software, meanwhile, creates a virtual 3D factory using information such as CAD data, work processes, logistics processes, material lists and worker & product data. Factory planners can then simulate manufacturing processes and perform tasks such as designing the shop floor layout, optimizing logistics, and performing material flow simulation. IPO.Log allows factory planners to test production, assembly and logistics before implementation in the real environment. Similar to BIM models, every process can be examined in real-time or tested before costly mistakes are made.

Better together: IPO.Log and NavVis IndoorViewer

ipo_plan_indoorviewerThe NavVis IndoorViewer integration visualizes factories directly in IPO.Log planning software

IPO.Log has now integrated the NavVis IndoorViewer to plan and simulate manufacturing logistics side-by-side with a realistic view of the facilities and up-to-date as-built documentation. This lets IPO.Log users access the current state of the shop floor remotely while creating and updating models. The high-resolution panoramic images in IndoorViewer provide a very detailed overview of the environment, depicting the real world instead of an abstract modeled representation. By comparing the as-is to the as-built state with NavVis IndoorViewer, users can easily update the 3D IPO.Log model. Factory Planners can then plan and simulate the production and assembly processes based on the current production environment.

Watch the video below to see how the NavVis IndoorViewer & IPO Plan integration works:

To explore how your planning software could benefit from real-world visualization, you can get in touch with us here or visit our Digital Factory Solutions page